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數碼攝影:100個簡易技巧與秘決,第3版Digital Photography : Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks, 3rd Edition
(查找更多有關 Rob Sheppard 著 的資訊)
書號:9780470147665 作者:Rob Sheppard 著
開本: 裝幀:
出版日期:2007-12-1 出版社:
圖書類型:  字數:




1 Get Ready to Take Photos
#1 Select Good Photo Opportunities.
#2 It Starts with Four Letters.
#3 Master Your Camera to Get Great Photos.
#4 Choose the Image File Format to Suit Your Needs.
#5 Set the Image Resolution and Compression Level.
#6 Control Your Camera’s Light Sensitivity with the ISO Setting.
#7 Improve Color with the White Balance Setting.
#8 Shoot Your Best from the Start.
#9 Pack for a Successful Shoot.
2 Consider Light More Than Illumination.
#10 Pick Good Light for Better Photos.
#11 Shoot Effectively in Bright Sun.
#12 Shoot in the Shade for Gentle Light.
#13 Take Advantage of the Golden Hour.
#14 Control Light with a Reflector.
#15 Control Natural Light with a Diffuser.
#16 Open Up Harsh Shadows with Fill Flash.
#17 Illuminate Portraits with Window Light.
#18 Get Your Flash Off Camera for Directional Light.
#19 Use Bounce Flash for Better Indoor Lighting.
#20 Prevent Red Eye.
3 Control Exposure.
#21 Understanding Exposure to Get the Photos You Want.
#22 Know What Meters Really Do.
#23 Discover Different Exposure Modes.
#24 Choose an Appropriate Program Mode.
#25 Using the Histogram to Get the Exposure You Want.
#26 Improve Exposure with Exposure Compensation.
#27 Avoid Blown-Out Highlights.
#28 Shoot Two Photos to Get More Exposure Range.
4 Control Sharpness and Depth of Field.
#29 Use a Tripod for Top Sharpness.
#30 Show Action Using a Fast Shutter Speed.
#31 Show Action Using a Slow Shutter Speed.
#32 Add Drama by Panning with the Subject.
#33 Understand Depth of Field.
#34 Control Focus Creatively with Deep Depth of Field.
#35 Create Cool Effects with Shallow Depth of Field.
#36 Understanding Focal Length.
#37 Control Perspective with Focal Length.
#38 Control Background with Focal Length and Aperture
5 Take Better Photos.
#39 Look for Photographs, Not Subjects.
#40 Consider the Possibilities.
#41 Compose for Maximum Effect.
#42 Compose for Impact.
#43 Use the Foreground.
#44 Shoot Details to Create Interest.
#45 Bracket Your Compositions.
#46 Shoot Better by Studying EXIF Data.
#47 Take Better Photos with Patience, Practice, and Effort.
6 Try Creative Photo Techniques.
#48 Focus Attention on Your Subject.
#49 Shoot Color for Dramatic Photos.
#50 Show Movement with a Neutral Density Filter.
#51 Control Color and Reflections with a Polarizer.
#52 Shoot Photos for a Panorama.
#53 Shoot Photos with a “Wow!” Factor.
#54 Shoot Scenes with Low Contrast.
#55 Shoot in All Seasons.
#56 Shoot Patterns and Shapes.
#57 Combine Flash and Ambient Light.
#58 Experiment to Create Unique Photos.
#59 Shoot at Night for Drama.
7 Basic Image Workflow with Adobe Photoshop Elements.
#60 Learn the Best Workflow.
#61 Protect and Preserve Original Photo Files.
#62 Crop and Straighten Your Photos.
#63 Process for Strong Blacks and Whites.
#64 Adjust Midtones.
#65 Easy Color Correction.
#66 Adjust Color with Hue/Saturation.
#67 Convert RAW Files with Adobe Camera Raw.
#68 Understanding Color Space.
#69 Reveal Dark and Light Detail with the Shadows/Highlights Command.
#70 Adjust a Selected Area.
#71 Keep Track of Your Adjustments.
8 Beyond the Basics with Photoshop Elements.
#72 Create a Panorama.
#73 Understanding Layers.
#74 Using Adjustment Layers to Gain Flexibility.
#75 Use Layer Masks to Isolate Your Changes.
#76 Combine Selections with Layer Masks.
#77 Lighten or Darken a Portion of an Image.
#78 Correct Exposure Problems.
#79 Remove Unwanted Elements with the Clone Stamp Tool.
#80 Convert Color to Black-and-White ok.
#81 Double-Process Raw for More Detail.
#82 Combine Two Exposures for a Better Tonal Range.
9 Make Photographic Prints.
#83 Understanding Color Management.
#84 Size Photos for Printing.
#85 Sharpen a Digital Image.
#86 Crop a Photo to a Specified Size.
#87 Precisely Position Photos on a Page.
#88 Print Multiple Photos on a Page.
#89 Order Prints Online.
#90 Create a Photo Book Online.
10 Share Your Photos.
#91 Prepare Photos for Use on the Web.
#92 Organize Your Digital Photos.
#93 Archive Your Digital Photo Collection to a DVD.
#94 Create a PDF Slide Show.
#95 Create a Digital Photo Album.
#96 Create a Web Photo Gallery.
#97 Create a Video Slideshow.
#98 Create Scrapbook Pages.
#99 Create a Photo Greeting Card.
#100 Create a Photomontage.

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