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搜索: 進口原版書-->人文社科
作者: Pamela Yellen 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Preface ix
Part One–Financial Secrets "They" Don't Want You to Know
1 Myths, Lies, and a New Way to Prosperity
2 How to Get Back Every Penny You Pay for Major Purchases
Part Two–......

定價: US$45.00
書名:院校的6種魅力文化Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy : Revised and Expanded Edition of The Four Cultures of the Academy  
作者: William H. Bergquist 等著     出版社:--
內容介紹: In The Four Cultures of the Academy, William H. Bergquist identified four different, yet interrelated, cultures found in North American higher education: collegial, managerial, developmental, and advo......

定價: US$101.53
書名:拉斯維加斯非官方指南 2008The Unofficial Guide to Las Vegas 2008  
作者: Deke Castleman, Muriel Stevens, Lynne Bachleda, Chris Mohney 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Bob Sehlinger is the publisher of Menasha Ridge Press and the author of numerous Unofficial Guides, including the Unofficial Guide to Las Vegas and the best-selling Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney Wor......

定價: US$40.99
書名:裸露的保守派:為什麼右翼思想總是失敗 The Conservatives Have No Clothes  
作者: Greg Anrig 著     出版社:Oxford University Press USA
內容介紹: Greg Anrig is Vice President of Programs at the Century Foundation, a progressive think tank, and former Washington correspondent for Money magazine. He has written online for the American Prospect an......

定價: US$55.99
書名:毀掉美國的欺詐者、笨蛋、說謊者與失敗者It's Getting Ugly Out There: The Frauds, Bunglers, Liars, and Losers Who Are Hurting America  
作者: Jack Cafferty 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: "Very little of my backstory qualifies as Hallmark Card material, but it may help you to make sense of the way I see and interpret what's going on around me."
-Jack Cafferty
For the millions......

定價: US$56.23
書名:男人到底要什麼 WHAT MEN WANT  
作者: John Ross 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: 1 Studying Men
2 From Mother to Father
3 Becoming a Father
4 Fathers in Action
5 Oedipus Revisited
6 The Riddle of Little Hans
7 Beyond the Phallic Illusion
8 Young Love
9 The ......

定價: US$20.69
書名:尋找傑弗遜:一封恐怖統治時期失落的信,一個非同尋常的發現與憲法第一修正案Finding Jefferson  
作者: Alan Dershowitz 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Foreword.
Part I: The Collector and His Passions.
Chapter I: My Passion for Collecting.
Chapter II: My Passions for Freedom of Speech, Criminal Law and Thomas Jeffer......

定價: US$55.99
書名:世紀之戰:Ali與Frazier在1971年3月8日的對決The Fight of the Century : Ali vs. Frazier March 8, 1971  
作者: Michael Arkush 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Preface
1 Beating the System
2 "Back in My Old Life Again"
3 Joe
4 The Tune-ups
5 Jack, Jerry, and the Deal
6 The Show
7 The Countdown
8 March 8
9 The Fight
10 Aftei" ......

定價: US$55.99
書名:Ricochet:槍支活動議案通過者的坦言Ricochet : Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist  
作者: Richard Feldman 著     出版社:吉林長白山
內容介紹: "Ricochet tells the truth. With each page I can hear the echo of footsteps down the Rayburn Building's marbled halls as Feldman tells the intimate story few know and even fewer survive."

定價: US$55.27
書名:科學家與工程師的宗教信仰God's Mechanics : How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion  
作者: Guy Consolmagno 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: In God’s Mechanics, Brother Guy tells the stories of those who identify with the scientific mindset–so-called “techies”–while practicing religion. A full fledged techie himself, he relates some c......

定價: US$53.72
書名:土著人史Native American History For Dummies  
作者: Dorothy Lippert 等著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Dorothy Lippert, PhD: Dorothy is Choctaw and an archaeologist. She received her BA from Rice University and her MA and PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. She works in the Repatriation Office ......

定價: US$43.03
書名:盲目的共和黨,無說服力的民主黨與美國理想的恢復The Bulldozer and the Big Tent  
作者: Todd Gitlin 著     出版社:Oversea Publishing House
內容介紹: This book, by one of America's most intelligent and decent political writers, tells liberals how the conservative movement rose and fell, and how they could emulate its successes while avoiding its fa......

定價: US$55.99
書名:美國商船院校史In Peace and War : A History of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point  
作者: Jeffrey L. Cruikshank 等著     出版社:--
內容介紹: The American Maritime History Project
Foreword by Vice Admiral Joseph D. Stewart, USMS
1 A Norfolk Interlude: Serving the Maritime Industry, 2003
2 Planting the Seeds

定價: US$75.33
書名:一個破碎的和平:1919年的凡爾塞以及我們今天為之付出的代價A Shattered Peace : Versailles 1919 and the Price We Pay Today  
作者: David A. Andelman 著     出版社:吉林長白山
內容介紹: David A. Andelman, Executive Editor of, has reported from more than fifty countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as a foreign correspondent for the New York Times and CBS Ne......

定價: US$57.64
書名:學習拉美教師Learning from Latino Teachers  
作者: Gilda Ochoa 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Gilda Ochoa is associate professor of Sociology and Chicana/o Studies at Pomona College, where she teaches courses on education, Latinas/os in the United States, and the sociology of race/ethnicity, c......

定價: US$53.72
  記錄 1 到 15 共 45     頁數:1/3


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