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搜索: 進口原版書-->傳記
書名:Life Commemorative: Michael Jackson (Hardcover) 紀念邁克爾 傑克遜 (時代周刊特別版)(精裝)  
作者: Life Magazine 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Introduction:His LIFE
Michael the Moonwalker
The Child With a Gift
A Thriller Like No Other
Gone Too Soon

定價: US$39.07
書名:Michael Jackson - Legend, Hero, Icon A Tribute to the King of Pop 麥克爾?傑克遜--向流行音樂之王致敬  
作者: Aldis James 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Michael Jackson was the undisputed King of Pop and his untimely death has provoked tributes from around the world. With a colourful life spanning from 1968 when Michael was a member of the Jackson 5 t......

定價: US$37.10
書名:Jack Nicholson成為最出色的影星之路 Five Easy Decades : How Jack Nicholson Became the Biggest Movie Star in Modern Times  
作者: Dennis McDougal 著     出版社:吉林長白山
內容介紹: Starred Review. Taking on not just a legendary subject, but a legendarily private subject-refusing biographers and TV personalities, Nicholson prefers "the occasional magazine Q&A or quickie newspaper......

定價: US$57.64
書名:星光熠熠:Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig與歷史上最棒的棒球隊––1927年的紐約洋基隊Five O'Clock Lightning : Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and the Greatest Baseball Team in History, The 1927 New York Yankees  
作者: Harvey Frommer 著     出版社:吉林長白山
內容介紹: Acknowledgments
1 The Best of Times
2 Preseason
3 The Roster
4 Spring
5 Summer
6 The World Series
7 After the 1927 Season
Appendix A New York Yankee Salaries, 19......

定價: US$55.27
書名:Taira Masakado傳奇的一生The First Samurai : The Life and Legend of the Warrior Rebel, Taira Masakado  
作者: Karl Friday 著     出版社:吉林長白山
內容介紹: List of Figures
1 Masakado and His Legacy
Masakado's Legacy
The First Samurai
2 Masakado's World
The Court and the Countryside
Premise, Reality and Adj......

定價: US$55.27
書名:Woodward與Bernstein水門事件陰影下的生活Woodward and Bernstein : Life in the Shadow of Watergate  
作者: Alicia C. Shepard 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: Based on new interviews and never-before-seen archival materials, Woodward and Bernstein takes a fresh, thought-provoking look at this unlikely journalistic duo. Thrown together by fate or luck, Woodw......

定價: US$32.34
書名:High Wire的崛起High Wire Act : Ted Rogers and the Empire that Debt Built  
作者: Caroline Van Hasselt 著     出版社:--
內容介紹: There has possibly never been a more daring business figure in Canada’s history than Ted Rogers. Hailed by some as a visionary with an incomparable insight, and equally loathed by others as a ruthles......

定價: US$51.68
  記錄 1 到 7 共 7     頁數:1/1


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