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Jack Nicholson成為最出色的影星之路 Five Easy Decades : How Jack Nicholson Became the Biggest Movie Star in Modern Times
(查找更多有關 Dennis McDougal 著 的資訊)
書號:9780471722465 作者:Dennis McDougal 著
開本: 裝幀:
出版日期:2007-10-1 出版社:吉林長白山
圖書類型:  字數:




Starred Review. Taking on not just a legendary subject, but a legendarily private subject-refusing biographers and TV personalities, Nicholson prefers "the occasional magazine Q&A or quickie newspaper interview"-author and New York Times film writer McDougal (Privileged Son) has turned out a model biography: exhaustive, full of action, and startlingly illuminating. Nicholson-flamboyant yet guarded, outrageous yet articulate, charming yet polarizing-has marched to his own drummer for 50 years, heading up a parade of celebrated films and famous women, eliciting strong opinions in just about everyone; as such, McDougal presents an engrossing showcase of big films and bigger personalities. Following a modest, fatherless New Jersey childhood, Nicholson set out on a California odyssey that would require stamina, guts and luck, as "eking out a living" in the early sixties gave way to the career-making premier of Easy Rider: " 'I had been around long enough to know while sitting in that audience, I had become a movie star.' " Los Angeles plays a starring role, giving Nicholson his wild lifestyle, a loyal, eclectic roster of friends and a long-time neighbor in Marlon Brando. Digging up as many roles offstage as on-hardheaded businessman, softhearted friend, master of rude rejoinders, fanatical sports fan and poetic philosopher-McDougal makes Nicholson's everyday life just as fascinating as his films, which also get considerable, thoughtful attention; in fact, McDougal's research is so deep and detailed, his extensive chapter notes could make a fine book of their own.

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